Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Von den Erzahlungen E.T.A.Hoffmans zu J. Offenbachs Oper: "Hoffmann Erzahlungen". Psychoanalytische Uberlegungen zu Dichtung und Musik. I. Die Erzahlungen. (From E. T. A. Hoffmann's tales to J. Offenbach's opera "The Tales of Hoffmann." Psychoanalytic reflections on their literary and musical aspects: The tales.)

Author(s): Hossler, Konrad

Journal/Book: Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse. 1988; 23: 261-274.

Abstract: Suggests that the 3 tales by Hoffmann on which Offenbach's opera, "The Tale of Hoffmann," is based are representations of Hoffmann's psychotic states triggered by traumatic separations and are understandable in terms of regressive defenses against ambivalence, guilt feelings, and depression. Contents and formal aspects of the tales are related to Hoffmann's personality trait. Hoffmann's portrayal in the libretto is discussed. (English abstract)

Note: Using Smart Source Parsing psychoanalytic perspective on literary & musical aspects of J. Offenbach's opera "The Tales of Hoffman" based on writings of E. T. Hoffman

Keyword(s): Psychoanalytic interpretation; music ; literature

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