Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Transkutane Elektrostimulation und Elektroakupunktur bei der Behandlung postoperativer Schmerzen in der Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie

Author(s): Manevich, L., Shatkina, G., Slavutskaya, M., Drabchuk, A., Arefyev, V.

Journal/Book: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Akupunktur. 1988; 6: 125-127.

Abstract: The effectiveness of pain-relief by means of electroacupuncture (EAP) and transcutaneous electrostimulation (TES) at an early postoperative stage was studied in 150 patients who underwent Caesarean section and operations for benign growths in the uterus and adnexa.Clinical, psychological, electrophysiological and laboratory methods of studies were employed.Effective treatment of pain syndrome was achieved in 84% of the patients when EAP was applied and in 76% of the patients treated with TES. Revealed were the specificities of these methods' effect on the, components of pain reaction. It was shown that EAP and TES contribute to prevention of functional disorders and to early normalization of the systemic functions after the obstetric-gynecological operations.

Keyword(s): Elektroakupunktur

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