Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Zentrale und periphere Akupunkturwirkung auf die Hämodynamik bei Hypertoniepatienten

Author(s): Alexeew, W., Rshanizyna, N., Fissenko, L., Pal'zewa, I.

Journal/Book: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Akupunktur. 1987; 1: 12-14.

Abstract: With the use of echocardiography and rheovasography were analysed the possibilities of reflectible corrections of disorder of haemodynamics with HK*) (IIA) patients and NZD**) (HS) patients. Before the treatment a hypermotilic heart syndrome with a certain increase of peripheric angio resistance with HK (IB) patients was noticed.With the HK (IIA) patients a hypermotilic KL-type was found. After acupuncture-therapy the ABD decreased with all 3 groups of patients and the factors of the enkinetic circulation reduced to normal stand, what was confirmed by both test methods.The tests showed that a therapy was very effective in treating above mentioned forms of arterial Hypertonia.

Keyword(s): Hochdruck

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