Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Neopterintest bestätigt Aktivierung des zellulären Immunsystems durch Zellinjektionen

Journal/Book: Cytobiologische Revue. 1987; Nr. 2:

Abstract: The release of neopterin is a specific sign of activation of the cellular immune system. On the basis of this fact, which has been known for many years, it seemed appropriate to also carry out a study of cell-therapy, which affects cellular immunity, with the neopterin test. In 40 patients the mean-value curves showed significant increases in the neopterin excretion in the urine in the first four days after the therapeutic administration of fresh cells. The assumption, up till now based an animal experimental studies and clinical experience, that through activation of the immune Sys tem cell-therapy leads, among other things, to GENERAL REVITALIZATION and to the onset of healing processes, can now also be proved in humans, an the basis of neopterin tests.

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