Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
October 2024

Music therapy in palliative--hospice care

Abstract: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PREFACE INTRODUCTION THE PALLIATIVE CARE SERVICE, ROYAL VICTORIA HOSPITAL: MONTREAL A SHORT OVERVIEW Part One I. HOME CARE A Case Studies B Considerations and Observations on Music Therapy in the Home Care Setting 1 Frequency of Visits 2 Length of Visits 3 Type of Music Therapy Activity in House Care 4 Involvement in the Face of Progressing Disease II. CONSULTATION A Case Studies B Consultation Service: Consideration for the Music Therapist 1 Selection of Patients 2 Frequency of Visits: Length of Involvement/ Hospital Environment 3 Taped or Live Music III. PALLIATlVE CARE INPATIENT UNIT A Case Studies B Music Therapy Considerations on a Terminal Care Ward 1 Cultural Issues 2 Continued Living in the Face of Death 3 Symptom Control 4 Group Sessions IV. BEREAVEMENT FOLLOW-UP V. MUSIC THERAPY VOLUNTEERS VI. TEAM WORK VII. EQUIPMENT, CASSETTE LIBRARY, INSTRUMENTS PART TWO I. A CHALLENGING JOURNEY A Perspectives for the Music Therapist 1 Music Therapy - By Whose Consent 2. Risks and Limits 3 Perception of Death - Identification 4 Emotional Equilibrium 5 Professional Concerns B The Scope of Music APPENDIX I FOOTNOTES BIBLIOGRAPHY REFERENCES 1 Music, Instruments, Equipment 2 Relaxation Tapes APPENDIX II 1 "Music Therapy in Palliative Care" Ð S Munro, and B Mount, 2 Letters to the Editor

Note: 92007659 by Susan Munro. Translation of: Musiktherapie bei sterbenden. Includes bibliographical references. MUSIC [c.1] ao.

Keyword(s): Music therapy.. Terminal care.. Hospice care.. Palliative Treatment.

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