Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Research on the use of art therapy in a university setting

Author(s): Geller, Sondra K., Ireland, Mardy

Journal/Book: American Journal of Art Therapy. 1983; 23: 26-29.

Abstract: A study of the effectiveness of drawings for intake interviews at a university counseling center showed that art therapists' ratings of the degree of psychological disturbance evidenced by 83 clients' drawings were reliable, although in another study with 29 clients, scores on the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale did not parallel assessments of Ss' artworks. In a 3rd study, art products were used to assess progress of 5 clients in therapy. Nine judges (art therapists, psychotherapists, and clerical workers) were unable to assess the continuity or themes in sequential artworks. (8 ref)

Note: art therapy; intake interview at university counseling center; college students

Keyword(s): College students; art therapy; drawing ; student personnel services; school counseling; adulthood

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