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Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Bibliography — Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) — 1978

Fiber, lipids, and atherosclerosis.
A healing miracle.
Measurement of pain threshold by electrical stimulation of tooth pulp afferents in the monkey.
Regional pain therapy of the vegetative urogenital syndrome by means of acupuncture
The promotion and development of traditional medicine: report of a WHO meeting.
Nursing laws and holistic medicine.
Folk healers of Spanish speaking cultures.
Chiropractic can involve more than spinal manipulation.
Chiropractors: pushing for a place on health-care team.
The AMA and chiropractic litigation.
More on chiropractic.
Man, magic and the modern placebo.
Systems of medical knowledge: a comparative approach.
Further experience in treatment of acute perforation of peptic ulcer by combined traditional chinese and western medicine.
ACS vows to continue litigation.
The AMA and chiropractic litigation.
Conjectures on a "wonder root"
3 groups OK settlement of suit by chiropractors.
Therapeutic trust: the magic in medicine.
AMA sued by its own delegates over chiropractor case.
Treatment of acute intestinal obstruction by combined traditional Chinese and western medicine: a report of 1,006 cases.
Abdominal hysterectomy under acupuncture anesthesia using Jizhong point.
Endogenous morphine-like peptide
Betel chewing in retrospect.
Plants of Russian folk medicine.
Von der medizinischen Volksbelehrung zur Popularisierung der medizinischen Wissenschaft; Ideen einer "demokratischen Medicin" um 1848.
The homoeopathic treatment of cholera; a historical study.
Concept of disease and folk therapy in a village of Andhra Pradesh.
Burial as a disposition mechanism for Navajo jish or medicine bundles.
Changes in Navajo mortuary practices and beliefs.
On the authorship of an astrologico-medical calendar for 1474. (Pol)
Saltwater and ashes: instruments of curing among some Zulu zionists.
Folk obstetrics, gynecology, and pediatrics in Utica, New York.
The madstone: its origins and application in Barlow, Ballard County, Kentucky.
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
The meaning of death in Northern Cheyenne culture.
Complexity in Arikara mortuary practice.
Not Available
Hippocrates was a medicine man: the health care of native Americans in the twentieth century.
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Advertisements of urban healers.
Not Available.
People's medicine in the early South.
Neurological bases of revitalization movements.
Not Available
The reputation of medicine. Historical reflections in herbals of the century
Traditional medicine and modern medicine--contradiction or symbiosis?
Acupuncture and musculoskeletal pain.
Acupuncture and Osler.
Two and a half years of acupuncture in Alabama.
Training of medical personnel in reflexotherapy
Effect of electro-acupuncture on the response of the trigeminal nucleus evoked by electric stimulation of dental pulp in the cat
Inhibition, by electro-acupuncture, of the scalp evoked potential induced by painful stimulation of the tooth in man
The Ch'uan-ya and the practice of the Chinese country doctor in the 18th century
Paramedics, chiropractors and health planners.
Acupuncture analgesia for chronic low back pain.
Neurophysiology of pain.
Opiate receptors and endorphines (author's transl)
Oral--facial pain: old puzzles, new postulates.
Diet-coronary heart disease relationships reconnoitered.
The rendezvous with pain and home remedies, with special reference to the origins of aspirin.
Plasma apoprotein and lipoprotein lipid levels in vegetarians.
CXBK mice deficient in opiate receptors show poor electroacupuncture analgesia.
Suppression of narcotic withdrawals and plasma ACTH by auricular electroacupunture.
Pathogenesis of vertebrogenic painful syndromes and their treatment by acupuncture in view of the plurisegmental theory of algic states (author's transl)
Recent advances in the understanding of acupuncture.
Characteristics of acupuncture analgesia, review of the articles on stimulation produced analgesia and morphine like substance (author's transl)
Non-traditional health care practices: a question for nurses.
Experience with the use of acupuncture reflexotherapy in peripheral nervous system diseases
Reduction of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol in drug addicts treated by acupuncture and electrical stimulation (AES).
Acupuncture in narcotic withdrawal: a preliminary report on biochemical changes in the blood and urine of heroin addicts.
Neurophysiological basis of acupuncture analgesia.
The nucleoside phosphatase method as a marker for the recognition of the autochthonous plexuses in blood vessel walls and the possible connection of the latter with acupuncture mechanisms.
Plasma apoprotein and lipoprotein lipid levels in vegetarians
Neurophysiological and biochemical explanation of acupuncture analgesia
The physiological interpretation of electrical stimulation of the nervous system.
Acupuncture anesthesia--in relation to modern dentistry
Mexican folk medicine: the people's health perspective.
The barefoot doctors of China's countryside.
Leeches in medicine (they still hang on!).
Canada's "barefoot" midwives.
Barefoot midwives
A study of the neurological in-patient who got Chinese traditional treatment before admission (author's transl)
Acupuncture in skin diseases
A look at spiritual faith healing.
Health and medical care in China.
Malaysia's bomohs.
No shame for the shaman.
Psychological and sociological aspects of patients receiving acupuncture treatments.
Ginseng: the plant that hides from man.
The migrant worker in the hospital
Phytotherapy of malignant tumors
The Nigerian patient: his choice for traditional treatment.
Psychiatric interview--an experience with the traditional herbalists treating psychiatric patients in Ibadan City.
Profile of curanderos: a study of Mexican folk practitioners.
Fundamental studies on electric stimulator used for acupuncture analgesia.
Megaloblastic vitamin B 12 deficiency anemia with erythroleukemic blood picture
American Indian medicine and contemporary health problems. II. Powerful medicinal plants in traditional Iroquois culture.
Acupuncture and cholinergic suppression of withdrawal symptoms: an hypothesis.
American Indian Medicine and contemporary health problems. IV. Diabetes and perception of diabetes among Seneca Indians.
Chiropractic: the camel in the tent.
Fire hazard of Florida water. Pyrogenic potential in Hispanic folk medicine.
Chiropractic and all that.
Therapeutic considerations in maxillofacial neuralgia
Acupuncture in dentistry.
Traditional medicinal plants used in the treatment of gastric ailments.
Study finds hypnosis is more effective than acupuncture in dental pain relief.
Application of acupuncture anesthetics and therapy in dentistry
Acupuncture anesthetics and dentistry
Acupuncture analgesia. Assessment using electric tooth-pulp stimulation: preliminary report.
Acupuncture and hypnosis. Apples and oranges.
Himalayan haematemesis: transfusion versus spirit medium.
Mouth acupuncture
Effect of electro-acupuncture on the threshold for eliciting the jaw depressor reflex in cats.
Acupuncture treatment of fibromyositis of the trapezius. Preliminary impressions on the treatment of these painful syndromes in 35 personal cases
Homeopathic treatment of mouth mucosa infections
A new science: "dental anthropology". Where medicine men still celebrate ritual tooth extractions
Post-operative acupuncture analgesia.
Vertebral artery occlusion following manipulation of the neck.
New facts for the search for the hinge axis point
Involvement of descending inhibition in the effect of acupuncture on the splanchnically evoked potential in the orbital cortex of cat.
The problem of acupuncture in dentistry
The laying on of hands.
Homeopathy in dentistry
Nutrition today--the case for alternative diets.
Clinical evaluation of acupuncture anesthesia in multiple extractions--a report on 131 cases (author's transl)
"Treatment of last resort:" an indication for acupuncture?
The hospital as the site for acupuncture research: applied and basic. Part 1.
Effects of percutaneous heterosegmental electric stimulation (electro-acupuncture) on the nociceptive flexion reflex in man
Modulation of experimental dental pain in man with acupuncture and by transcutaneous electric stimulation
Modes of action of various aspects of analgesia by stimulation
Application of acupuncture therapy and anesthesia in dentistry
Acupuncture: its neurophysiological basis: an anaesthetist's foreword.
Work in progress at the Shanghai Institute of Physiology, Division of Acupuncture.
Pain (II). Treatment of pain
The pathogenesis and treatment of migraine (author's transl)
Status and prospects for development of reflexotherapy
Electro-acupuncture in otolaryngology (author's transl)
Effect of electro- and acupuncture on the peripheral blood leukocyte count and metabolism
Electric stimulation in the treatment of rheumatoid diseases
Electroacupuncture: relations between forelimb afferent impulses and suppression of jaw-opening reflex in the rat.
Treatment of postphlebitic ulcers of the lower limb by electroacupuncture
Experience with acupuncture in insomnia
Trends in acupuncture research--1. Acupuncture in the control of pain.
Clinical report on the use of specific TENS units.
Pain perception modification with acupuncture--a clinical study.
Acute central cervical spinal cord syndrome treated by acupuncture and electrical stimulation (AES).
Transcutaneous electroanalgesia and naloxone. Clinical aspects (author's transl)
An overview of acupuncture in Australia.
Folk cures for whooping cough.
Pediatrics in an eighteenth century remedy book.
History of Homeopathic Medicine at Oberlin, Ohio 1833...1933.
Fiber, intestinal sterols, and colon cancer.
"Legal highs"--constituents, activity, toxicology, and herbal folklore.
Acupuncture in the treatment of addiction: a review and analysis.
Use of acupuncture in rheumatology
1st experience in using acupuncture in the postoperative period on children
Management of migraine using acupuncture in a double-blind study
American Indian medicine and contemporary health problems. I. Toward improved health care for native Americans. Comparative perspective on American Indian medicine concepts.
Chiropractic--its history and challenge to medicine.
Acupuncture in surgery (review of Soviet and Foreign literature)
Alternative methods of treating pain.
Modern medicine, old mystique in Macedonia.
The march of surgery from barber surgeons to baby surgeons.
The system of measures and dosages in the 1st Polish herbaries
Postoperative analgesia
Toward drugs derived from cannabis.
Phytotherapy of bronchial asthma in medieval Armenian medicine
WHO consultation meeting on the promotion and development of traditional medicine.
Use of needle analgesia in surgical practice
When offered a drink, they said 'tar.'.
Some observations on human semen analysis.
A history of psychiatry in peninsular Malaysia, 1830-1975.
Semiology in the medicine of ancient Egypt
The comparative study of medical systems as changing social systems.
The history of science and medicine as theoretical sources for the comparative study of contemporary medical systems.
Concepts and a model for the comparison of medical systems as cultural systems.
Effects of drinking hot water, cold water, and chicken soup on nasal mucus velocity and nasal airflow resistance.
Fundamental studies of acupuncture (author's transl)
Phytotherapy of eye diseases
The significance of the name Apuleius to the Herbarium Apulei.
Paracelsus geriatrics and contemporary gerontology
Acupuncture, "vital" drugs and psychotropic agents in psychiatric patients. 50 cases
Complex method of treating chronic inflammatory diseases of the internal femal genitalia of nonspecific etiology
Diet and breast cancer: a review.
From the herbarium to the pharmacy in Mexico
Acupuncture: fact or fantasy?
Acupuncture analgesia.
Acupuncture analgesia and therapeutic acupuncture. An overview. I.
Salicylates and homoeopathy in rheumatoid arthritis: preliminary observations.
The tragicomedy of scientific medicine
A discussion of Dr. Michael R. Zimmerman's paper, "An experimental base for paleopathologic diagnosis.
The association of the dog with deities of healing in the ancient Near East.
Diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine
History of surgery in India--I.
Oddments in dental history: the deathbed treatment of President Washington.
The centuries-old song of the drill.
Acupuncture and dentistry.
A controlled trial of cervical manipulation of migraine.
Reception of acupuncture by the scientific community: from scorn to a degree of interest.
Try Hippocrates' home made tooth powder.
Ophthalmology and traditional medicine in China today
Use of lasers in acupuncture
Effects of cannabis intoxication on primary suggestibility.
Electro-acupuncture analgesia in monkeys: a behavioral and neurophysiological assessment.
Acupuncture point injection in pediatric pneumonia. Report of 4,060 cases.
Some traditional Tonga eye remedies.
Thallium intoxication caused by a homoeopathic preparation.
Use of acupuncture-reflexotherapy in the postoperative period
Role of acupuncture in analgesia and the restoration of disturbed functions in orthopedic injury patients
Traumatic vertebrobasilar occlusive disease in childhood.
1st experiences with the utilization of lasers for acupuncture. The Akuplas device
A preliminary study in medical anthropology in Brunei, Borneo.
The influence of electro-acupuncture on naloxone-induced morphine withdrawal in mice: elevation of brain opiate-like activity.
Structure-activity relationships among in vivo active germacranolides.
The effect of a fish diet on serum lipids in healthy human subjects.
Traditional Zulu practitioners and obstetric medicine.
"Antiwhooping cough potentialities of the flesh of an Indian bird Acridotherus tristis".
Clinical trials with Myron and Aloes Compound in cases of bovine infertility.
Diagnosis and prognosis in Bulgarian folk medicine
Nutritional status of lacto-ovo vegetarian Trappist monks.
Seasonal variations in preschool vegetarian children's growth velocities.
Smoking and asthma.
Acupuncture in otorhinolaryngology
Inhibition in the spinal cord: a neuronal mechanism of hypalgesia produced by acupuncture (author's transl)
Carcinogenicity of some folk medicinal herbs in rats.
"School medicine" versus "folk medicine"
Culture, illness, and care: clinical lessons from anthropologic and cross-cultural research.
Growing up a vegetarian.
Mexican-American mental health service utilization: a critical examination of some proposed variables.
Acupuncture. Forensic, anesthesiologic and psychiatric notes, considerations and conclusions
Preschoolers on alternate life-style diets. Associations between size and dietary indexes with diets limited in types of animal foods.
Medicine in the Peoples Republic of China.
Has acupuncture an analgesic effect in the rabbit?
The importance of taking garlic.
Effects of acupuncture on tissue oxygenation of the rat brain.
Acupuncture in the treatment of hyperalgesic syndromes
Use of acupuncture in the treatment of infectious-allergic form of bronchial asthma
Manual therapy in the region of the cervical spine. Manual therapy of the cervical spine and its dangers: ruptures and occlusions of the vertebral artery
Complications during manual therapy of the cervical spine. Supplement to H. P. Schmitt's paper: "Manual therapy in the region of the cervical spine and its dangers: ruptures and occlusions of the vertebral artery"
Arecaidine and schizophrenia.
A neurometric analysis of brain functions after halothane anaesthesia, neuroleptanalgesia and combined acupuncture-analgesia (author's transl)
Ombudsmen (medical-psychiatric) rounds. An approach to meeting patient-staff needs.
Exotic diets and the infant.
Therapeutic acupuncture in gastroenterology
Chiropractic from the clinical, political and legal points of view
Chirotherapy. Principles, indications, counterindications and objectivization possibilitity
The modification of pain through acupuncture
General principles and methods of needle reflexotherapy in humeroscapular periarthritis
Nursing research--a challenge to traditional medicine
Hot cold clean poison and dirt: Chinese folk medical categories.
Veterinary acupuncture.
Do endorphins mediate acupuncture analgesia?
Effect of naloxone on the acupuncture-elicited analgesia in addicts.
Studies of vegans: the fatty acid composition of plasma choline phosphoglycerides, erythrocytes, adipose tissue, and breast milk, and some indicators of susceptibility to ischemic heart disease in vegans and omnivore controls.
Nutritional vitamin-B12 deficiency. Possible contributory role of subtle vitamin-B12 malabsorption.
What is the matter with acupuncture?
Therapeutic acupuncture in gastroenterology
Tentative views on dream therapy by Xhosa diviners.
The dangers of surgery: an Aboriginal view.
Problems of acupuncture
Traditional healers and the medical profession.
Acupuncture in the prevention of labor pain anomalies and perinatal pathology
Ear acupuncture and its use in anesthesiology
What is the matter with acupuncture? Comment on the paper by Dotzauer and Prokop, this journal 103 (1978), 470
Reporting adverse reactions to herbal ingestants.
Unconventional healing methods in history
Clay eating by Aboriginals of the Northern Territory.
Medicine-man practice. Ritual therapy and drugs used by the Digo in Tanzania
Dietary fibre and asymptomatic diverticular disease of the colon.
Cancer research in China.
Why patients choose homeopathy.
Acupuncture for surgery--a challenge.
Haematological studies on vegans.
Acupuncture: pricking the bubble of skepticism.
Physician and therapist: therapist's image throught the daily Senegalese press
What about acupuncture?
An unusual ectopic pregnancy operated on under acupuncture analgesia.
Conservative treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc displacement and its limits
Legislation for physicians and experts. Notes on the newest legislation
Coming! Holistic medicine.
Variolation in the Rajasthan Desert.
A controlled trial of the theory of acupuncture in musculoskeletal pain.
Dental care in the People's Republic of China.
Acupuncture in treatment of chronic pain and post-lumbar puncture headache. One year's experience.
Nonaccidental trauma and medical folk belief: a case of cupping.
Failure of naloxone to modify the anti-tobacco effect of acupuncture (author's transl)
Acupuncture in headache.
The medical profession and the witchdoctor.
The epidemiology of female genital mutilations.
Some socio-psychiatric attributes of patients utilizing the facilities of the traditional healers in the city of Ibadan.
Alkaloids of Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum, a Mexican cactus of ethnopharmacologic interest.
The influence of a wide range of absorbed cholesterol on plasma cholesterol levels in man.
Homeopathy and acupuncture
Acupuncture reduces the trigeminal evoked response in decerebrate cats.
Permanent acupuncture needles.
Mexican-American folk belief in a pediatric emergency room.
Fasting and vegetarian food
Fasting and vegetarian food--a therapeutic alternative
A syndrome of methylmalonic aciduria, homocystinuria, megaloblastic anemia and neurologic abnormalities in a vitamin B12-deficient breast-fed infant of a strict vegetarian.
Nutrient deficiencies in breast-fed infants.
Modified acupuncture in the treatment of pain
Type of pain, personality traits and effectiveness of modified acupuncture
Perspectives in international neurosurgery: a glimpse of neurosurgery in China.
Acupuncture past and present.
Hyperglycaemia among vegetarians.
Impression of primary health care in China
Food, life habits and health
Treatment by manipulation.
Treatment of chronic inflammations using acupuncture
Dysesthesia, witchcraft, and conversion reaction. A case successfully treated with psychotherapy.
The effects of epidural anesthesia and acupuncture upon human somatosensory evoked potential (author's transl)
Why are naturopathic preparations purchased in health food stores?
Results of acupuncture treatment
Vegetarian diet and vitamin B12 deficiency.
Acupuncture and phonostimulation in the treatment of allergy
Aetiology and treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax (author's transl)
Is the witchdoctor medically competent?
Acupuncture and hypnosis compared: fifty-eight cases.
Coca leaf as a therapeutic agent.
Factors affecting the effectiveness of anesthesia induced by electroacupuncture
Pneumothorax after acupuncture.
Sorcerers, saints and charlatans: black folk healers in urban America.
What about acupuncture?
The impact of computers on electrocardiography.
Study of plants used by peoples of the USSR in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Method for studying electrical parameters of biologically active body points
Primitive group treatment.
Fecal beta-sitosterol in patients with diverticular disease of the colon and in vegetarians.
Attitudes and attitude differences to female genital mutilation in the Sudan: is there a change on the horizon?
Nature and medicine. Reflections on a current topic
Have the folk medicine's ash extracts any effect on neoplasms?
Coronary heart disease mortality among Seventh-Day Adventists with differing dietary habits: a preliminary report.
Fecal hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activities in vegetarian Seventh-Day Adventists, control subjects, and bowel cancer patients.
Acupuncture. Information received during a stay at the People's Republic of China, April-July 1977
Chinese approach to mental health service.
Psychiatric services in China: or, Mao versus Freud.
Primary health care: an international perspective.
Endorphin release: a possible mechanism of acupuncture analgesia.
Physiological effects of stimulation at acupuncture loci: a review.
Traditional medical practices and medicinal plant usage on a Bahamian island.
Role of somatic nerves in the cardiovascular responses to stimulation of an acupuncture point in anesthetized rabbits.
Medicine and general knowledge in modern science
Voluntary heart rate changes and the marihuana "high".
Studies on the pharmaceutical quality evaluation of crude drug preparations used in Orient medicine "Kampoo". IV. Behavior of alkaloids in ephedra herb mixed with other crude drugs under decoction processes (author's transl)
Antitumor Plants. V. Constituents of Cinchona pubescens.
Acupuncture anesthesia, waking suggestion and personality factors.
Vitamin B12 deficiency in strict vegetarians.
Analgesia by acupuncture. Possibilities and limitations. Clinical contribution
Reflexoanalgesia in neurosurgery
Acupuncture and drug addiction. Preliminary considerations concerning some ongoing experiments
Acupuncture in the treatment of cardiac neurosis. Considerations and hypotheses on its therapeutic effect
A case of dental abscess with visualization of the meridian of the large intestine
Inhibition of nociceptive discharges of parafascicular neurons by direct electrical stimulation of nucleus centrum medianum.
African peculiarities
Opinion on acupuncture as a hypalgesic and therapeutic method. Published by the scientific council of the federal medical society after preparatory work by the work group "acupuncture"
Medicine in Mexico. XII. Folk medicine (conclusion of series).
Preliminary studies of traditional medicinal plants in nineteen markets in Ethiopia: use patterns and public health aspects.
The isolation and structure of 13,18-dehydroglaucarubinone, a new antineoplastic quassinoid from Simarouba amara.
The cervical syndrome in children (author's transl)
Chiropractic physical examinations of high school athletes in Georgia--a preview of the legal issues.
Pyrrolizidine (Senecio) intoxication mimicking Reye syndrome.
Effects of electro-acupuncture on rat jaw opening refelx elicited by tooth pulp stimulation.
Nutritional defects in breast fed children
Pain in neurology and its treatment. Selected problems
Incidents and complications in acupuncture
Transcultural and irrational aspects. From the cultural form to the end of a psychopathological problem in a group of possessed subjects in Zaire: the Zebola
Women in the traditional Mexican medicine
Acupuncture upheld as practice of medicine by Texas court.
The place of traditional medicine in modern medical practice in Nigeria.
Effectiveness of treating facial hyperkinesis with acupuncture reflex therapy and blockades
Medicine in modern China.
Witchcraft illness in the Evuzok nosological system.
Medicinal plant study in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Acupuncture hepatitis in the West Midlands, 1977.
WHO booklet on traditional medicine.
Aplastic anaemia and optic fundus haemorrhages due to traditional herbal remedies.
Fall in high blood pressure after applying acupuncture to SHR.
Acupuncture in glaucoma (author's transl)
Acupuncture anaesthesia for squint surgery.
Acupuncture anaesthesia for squint surgery.
Simple treatment of headaches without drugs.
Clinical basis of acupuncture analgesia (author's transl)
Herbal medicines and veno-occlusive disease in India.
Witchdoctor or which doctor?
Violence and mental illness in a peasant society: characteristics of violent behaviours and 'Folk' use of restraints.
Traditional medicine in Vietnam
Operative stress during electroacupuncture and enflurane anaesthesia assessed by serum cortisol (author's transl)
Social anthropology and medicine-a personal perspective.
Medicine and culture: some anthropological perspectives.
'Body and mind in Zulu medicine'.
Witchdoctor or which doctor?
Complex treatment of chronic facial hemispasm
Discussion to the 2nd main topic "Rational diagnosis and therapy"
Characteristics and practices of traditional birth attendants in Gondar region, Ethiopia.
Faith healing in a North Indian city.
The physiological basis of acupuncture healing (author's transl)
The significance of diagnosis in ethnic medicine with special reference to Rumanian folk medicine
Acupuncture in the treatment of neuralgic syndromes of the facial region. Methodological studies and evaluation of the clinical results
Group acupuncture and mobilization of long-term hospitalized psychotic patients
Acupuncture and pediatrics. Preliminary note
Therapeutic possibilities of acupuncture in Horton's temporal arteritis. Considerations and hypotheses concerning the dermatomeric theory
Acupuncture as a therapeutic aid in multiple sclerosis
Acupuncture in gastroscopy.
Witchdoctor or which doctor?
Studies on the pharmaceutical quality evaluation of crude drug preparations used in orient medicine "Kampoo". III. Precipitation reaction of glycyrrhizin with alkaloids or alkaloidal crude drugs in aqueous solution.
Foreign physicians learn acupuncture in China.
A model of acupuncture effect.
Current prospects in obstetric analgesia. Acupuncutre, electronarcosis, electrostimulation, psychotropic drugs
Medical practice in Indians of the Colombian Amazon. Epidemiology of intestinal parasitoses
The acupuncture in 20 patients submitted to placement of endocardial permanent pacemakers (author's transl)
Acupuncture in the treatment of hysterica mutism and functional vomiting.
A fundamental study on acupuncture points phenomena of dog body.
Stillbirths in a savannah district of northern Nigeria.
Traditional doctors as part of the health team: towards a realistic, positive approach to the health manpower problem in Africa.
Psychiatric treatment in Thai spirit possession.
Acupuncture in gastroscopy.
Homoeopathic medicine.
Ethical problems of screening for neural-tube defects.
Evidence for complement activation following the oral administration of cow's urine concoction in rats.
Diagnosis of disease as existence analysis in religious symbolic language
Endogenous opiates (endorphins) and pain
The new Chinese approach to medicine and pharmacology.
Combined traditional Chinese and western treatment of pediatric congenital megacolon.
Urinary excretion of N gamma-methylihistidine (3-methylihistidine): a tool to study metabolic responses in relation to nutrient and hormonal status in health and disease of man.

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