Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
October 2024

The will and empathy in art therapy

Journal/Book: Journal of the Otto Rank Association. 1977; 12: 32-53.

Abstract: Presents evidence from controlled LSD-induced psychedelic stages, and from similar guided imagery and hypnotic fantasies in art therapy, that confirms basic Rankian concepts of death fear, birth trauma, life fear, and polarities of separation/individuation. S. Grof's LSD research in perinatal imagery and the author's own discoveries (using guided imagery and art processes to experience original birth, irrevocable death, and willed rebirth) indicate that the birth trauma is cyclic for development of the creative person. The application of creative will to individuation in the art therapist provides potential for an accepting empathy that, united with intuition, produces creative growth in the client. Three hypotheses are offered that relate psychological birth, death, and rebirth within the individual to personal growth and true education.

Note: will & empathy; art therapy

Keyword(s): Art therapy; empathy

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