Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025


Journal/Book: Acta derm.-venereol. 49: 64-71 1969. 1969;

Abstract: * Supported by Research Contract 219/RB from the International Atomic Agency. Division of Dermatology (Department of Medicine) of the American University of Beirut and American University Hospital Beirut Lebanon SUMMARY The acute changes in the epithelial structures of the guinea pig skin following a single dose of X-rays are demonstrable with routine histological techniques as well as histochemical methods. The epidermal basal cell layer and the matrix of the hair follicles show the earliest degenerative changes. Both DNA and RNA structures in the epithelial cells show disturbances but the changes are more apparent with DNA. Even though there is an early effect an the quantity of reactive -SH groups in the epidermis the ultimate effect an the epidermal function is the formation of keratin that seems to differ chemically from the normal. Different enzyme systems respond differently to irradiation. In particular the activities of beta-glucuronidase and most of the dehydrogenases in epithelial cells show an early marked decrease. Alkaline phosphatase activity in the sebaceous gland shows an initial increase and then decrease. schö

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