Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Cryogenic Cooling by Noncondensible-Gas Injection

Journal/Book: SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH LABORATORIES Reprinted from Science June 25 1965 Vol. 148 No. 3678 pages 1721-1723. 1965;

Abstract: FARREL W. LYTLE and J. THOMAS STONER Boeing Scientific Research Laboratories Seattle Washington Abstract. Temperature control of various cryogenic liquids in the range from their boiling points to near or below their freezing points has been achieved by injecting a noncondensing gas helium. The process is more easily accomplished than the usual vapor-pumping technique and is applicable in the range from 15° to 300° K. Interesting ice formations were observed in liquid argon. Cooling of liquids by evaporation into bubbles of an injected noncondensing gas is a well-known concept that has not been widely applied in laboratory cryogenics. However Larsen et al. (1) and Schmidt (2) have discussed the theory and presented experimental data on the injection of helium gas into liquid hydrogen or oxygen in a rocketmotor environment. We present data an the cooling of various liquids by injection of helium gas. Our results indicate that temperature control below the boiling point of the coolant can be achieved more simply by injection of helium than by the usual vapor-pumping technique. The coolants available limit the temperature range of application from 15° to 300°K. The evaporative-cooling effect is strikingly demonstrated by ice formation in liquids having narrow liquid-temperature intervals such as argon. The experiments were conducted in a conventional glass double-Dewar flask that was strip-silvered to permi... schö

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