Journal/Book: Brit. Heart J. 1963 25 677.. 1963;
Abstract: From the Department of Experimental Medicine Guy's Hospital London S.E.1 Received March 30 1963 SUMMARYThe digital blood flow of clubbed fingers was studied in thirteen cases of congenital cyanotic heart disease three of broncho-pulmonary disease and one of hereditary clubbing. A continuous flow calorimeter was used and patterns of the digital circulation at rest temporary arterial obstruction reactive hyperaemia and reflex hyperaemia induced by indirect body heating were compared with the normal state. The results suggest the following conclusions. (1) The maximal digital blond flow obtained after body heating in clubbing of congenital heart disease is slightly greater than the normal and much greater than other types of clubbing. The distinction between the two types of clubbing is discussed in the light of previous reports of structural difference. (2) The resting digital blond flow suggests that in clubbing of congenital cyanotic heart disease the digital circulation is less responsive to cold. The capacity to vasoconstrict seems to be diminished and the digital blood flow thus remains at a more "dilated" level. (3) The response to temporary circulatory obstruction was similar to the normal form except in hereditary clubbing where it induced a very poor reactive hyperæmia followed by a persistent vasoconstrictive state. The factor responsible for this phenomenon is suggested to lie in the special tissue construction of this form of clubbing although its nature is yet to be investigated. ___MH
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