Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Zur Natur affektiver Muskeldurchblutungssteigerungen beim Menschen

Journal/Book: Pflügers Archiv 272 223-236 (1961). 1961;

Abstract: Aus dem Physiologischen Institut der Universität Marburg/Lahn Summary In 35 experiments an 21 healthy young adults the mechanism of the increase in forearm muscle blood flow during emotional stress was investigated. The forearm muscle blood flow was measured by the heated thermocouple probe of HENSEL and RUEF (1954) the probe being inserted into the extensor group of muscles. In 19 experiments the skin blood flow of the band or forearm was measured by the heated thermocouple disc of HENSEL and BENDER (1956). In 8 experimente the arterial pressure was measured from a catheter in the brachial artery by a pressure head described by STEIN ENGELTER and GRAF (1957). The emotional stress employed was mental arithmetic. This stimulus produced a considerable increase in muscle blood flow and a decrease in skin blood flow. The increase in blood flow during emotional stress was not due to an increase in blood pressure for it occurred when the blood pressure was unaltered. Blocking the motor nerve supplying the extensor group of forearm muscles with local anaesthetic solution usually reduced and frequently abolished the increase in blood flow during emotional stress. The persistence of the increase in blood flow in some of the nerve block experiments was probably due to the release of adrenaline as it occured after a longer latent period than that seen in a normal forearm. . . .

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