Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

BRONCHOSPIROMETRY V. Differential Residual Volume Determination

Journal/Book: Reprinted from The JOURNAL OF LABORATORY and CLINICAL MEDICINE St. Louis Vol. 40 No.4 Pages 558-578 Oktober 1952. 1952;

Abstract: *Medical Corps Army of the United States Boston Mass From the Thorndike Memorial Laboratory Second and Fourth Medical Services (Harvard) Boston City Hospital and the Department of Medicine Harvard Medical School; the Physiology Laboratory Thoracic Surgery Service Sanatorium Division of the Boston City Hospital Mattapan and the Department of Surgery Boston University School of Medicine SUMMARY An open-circuit technique is described for the simultaneous and separate determination of the residual volume of each lung. The method includes provisions for estimation of the effectiveness of intrapulmonary mixing for determination of the place in the respiratory cycle where the examination is begun for recording bronchospirometry before lung volume study and for maintenance of proper catheter position. In four normal each individual however the percentage of the total inspiratory capacity expiratory reserve volume and residual volume contributed by a single lung was the same so that the ratio of residual volume to total lung capacity was the same an both sides. In eight patients with localized unilateral parenchymal tuberculosis the vital capacity was only slightly reduced and the residual volume was little affected or even increased. Intrapulmonary mixing was normal on both sides. . . .

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