Fitoterapia. 2003 Apr; 74(3): 207-25.
Morpho-histological studies in the aromatic species of Chenopodium from Argentina.
Botánica, Departamento de Farmacia, Facultad de Ciencias QuÃmicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba e Instituto Multidisciplinario de BiologÃa Vegetal (IMBIV-CONICET), Casilla de Correo 495, Córdoba 5000, Argentina.
A morpho-histological study of the vegetative organs (stem and leaf) of the aromatic species of Chenopodium L. from Argentina [C. ambrosioides L., C. burkartii (Aellen) Vorosch., C. carinatum R. Br., C. chilense Schrad., C. graveolens Willd. var. bangii (Murr) Aellen, C. haumanii Ulbr., C. multifidum L., C. oblanceolatum (Speg.) Giusti, C. pumilio R. Br., C. retusum (Moq.) Moq., and C. venturii (Aellen) Cabrera] was carried out. Classifications for the glandular and non-glandular trichomes are established and their presence among species is presented. A variant in both the dorsiventral and isobilateral mesophyll is reported; some data are valuable for systematic purposes and for the identification of dried and smashed material used as vegetal drug.
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