Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2003 ; (1): CD003803.
Homeopathy for dementia.
Department of Psychological Medicine, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, Room 406, Paterson Centre, 20 South Wharf Road, London, UK, W2 1PD. [email protected]
BACKGROUND: Dementia is a common illness in older people and has major implications for individuals with the disease, their carers and society. A meta-analysis of population based studies in Europe found the prevalence of dementia in individuals over 65 to be 6.4%. Homeopathy (also spelt "homoeopathy") is a popular form of "complementary" or "alternative" treatment. Some studies have found evidence for efficacy of homeopathic treatment for some conditions, but any mechanism of action of the ultra molecular dilutions used in homeopathy is not comprehensible in terms of current scientific concepts. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effectiveness and safety profile of homeopathically prepared medications used in treating dementia, as established by randomized controlled trials. SEARCH STRATEGY: The trials were identified from a search of the Specialized Register of the Cochrane Dementia and Cognitive Improvement Group on 10 May 2002 using the terms alum*, homeop*, "nat sulph" and "natrum sulphate". This Register contains records from all major medical databases. In addition the reviewers searched CISCOM, AMED and Hom-Inform. Leading homeopathic researchers, practitioners and manufacturers were also contacted. SELECTION CRITERIA: All types of randomized controlled trials with a sample size of more than 20 were considered. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: The database searches resulted in one trial being identified. After examining the abstract, a paper copy was obtained and independently assessed for inclusion by RM and JW. MAIN RESULTS: There were no studies that fulfilled the criteria for inclusion and no data to present. REVIEWER'S CONCLUSIONS: In view of the absence of evidence it is not possible to comment on the use of homeopathy in treating dementia. The extent of homeopathic prescribing for people with dementia is not clear and so it is difficult to comment on the importance of conducting trials in this area.
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