Mikrobiol Z. 2001 Mar-Apr; 63(2): 14-9.
[Anti-arboviral properties of different substances of chemical and plant origin]
Lviv Scientific-Research Institute of Epidemiology and Hygiene, Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, 12 Zelena St., Lviv, 79005, Ukraine.
The paper deals with the results of search for inhibitors of two arboviral infections, including Alfavirus of Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (family Togaviridae) and Bunyavirus Tahyna (family Bunyaviridae), interferon inducers among 99 substances of organic synthesis and 92 compounds of plant origin. Antiarboviral activity of some of these chemicals were investigated as well. Reproduction of the studied viruses in cell culture was inhibited by 8 derivatives of triazole, triazine and uracile (UPI-264 and UPI-273, PV-166, PV-169, PV-171, PV-184, PV-188 and PV-214) and 21 plant remedies (lyophilizates ASHCH-1, BL-1, VN, GAL-1, GAPr-1, GACH-1, GVPr-1, GVCH-1, GM-1, GCA-2, GCV-2, LGSHCHA, LSHCH-6, KIS-1, KJL-1, KKL-1, RDO-1, SX-2, SHCHKS-1, YA and YAN).
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