Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Physical Exercise, Nutrition and Sunshine Exposure for the Prevention of Osteoporosis

Journal/Book: Forschende Komplementärmedizin u. Klassische Naturheilkunde Research in Complementary a.Classical Natural Medicine. 2001; 8/4: 196-204.

Abstract: Background: Social and economic impact of osteoporosis is growing. Prevention deserves more attention than at present. Since previous reviews an prevention of osteoporosis by the author, many original papers and reviews an the subject have been published. Which interventions are effective? Methods: A MEDLINE search was performed using the search terms 'osteoporosis' and 'calcium' or 'vitamin D' or 'ultraviolet' or 'sunshine' or 'nutrition' or 'exercise' or 'hormone'. Additionally, references of recent publications were searched for significant contributions. Relevant publications as assessed by the author were included into the present review. Results and Conclusions: Regular high-impact physical exercise, a daily allowance of at least 1000 mg calcium, a sufficient supplementation with vitamin D through UVB-exposure of the skin or oral supplementation, and hormonal replacement therapy in deficiency states are the fundamentals of prevention of osteoporosis.

Keyword(s): Osteoporose: Calcium

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