Young people and music television in the Netherlands |
, ,Journal/Book: Eur J Commun. 2000; 15: 6 Bonhill Street, London EC2a 4Pu, England. Sage Publications Ltd. 79-91.
Abstract: When on 1 May 1995 TMF (The Music Factory) starred off as the first: local popular music television station on Dutch cable, it tried right away to compete with MTV. This article, based upon a telephone survey among a national sample of 400 people, shows ample evidence that people not only watch TMF more frequently than MTV, bur that on average they like TMF a lot more. Moreover, TMF seems to be better able to fulfil the music needs of Dutch teenage viewers. TMF programming fits the youth subcultures of the 'gabbers' and the hip-hoppers. The subcultures that are best served by MTV are those whose members like rock music: punk, alto, metal and skater. Hence the subcultures which TMF serves are much larger in number than MTV's. Therefore it seems that TMF has been able to adjust better to local conditions and that its programming-is better suited to the local target groups than MTV's.
Note: Article van der Rijt GAJ, Univ Nijmegen, Dept Commun, POB 9104, NL-6500 HE Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
Keyword(s): music television; telephone survey; the Netherlands; young people; youth subcultures; CULTURES
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