Suffering from care as expressed in the narratives of former patients in somatic wards |
, ,Journal/Book: Scand J Caring Sciences. 2000; 14: Cort Adelersgt 17 PO Box 2562, Solli, 0202 Oslo, Norway. Taylor & Francis As. 16-22.
Abstract: To illuminate patients' experiences of suffering from care, ten former patients in somatic wards narrated a desirable care episode (n = 39) and an undesirable care episode (n = 51). The interviews were analysed using a phenomenological hermeneutic method inspired by Ricoeur's philosophy. Four themes were found: having a good rest, suffering through, searching for autonomy being cared for by attentive and committed staff. The findings were interpreted in light of Eriksson's description of suffering, which describes three kinds of suffering: 'suffering of life', 'suffering of illness' and 'suffering of caring'. Although not mentioned explicitly, it was evident that cases of suffering from care were indicated in the patients' narratives. The themes were related to the patients' states of health, their experience of the care situation and their descriptions of themselves, and could be understood as related to the acts of the 'drama of suffering' described by Eriksson. The study highlights the need for the patient to find a co-actor in the drama of suffering in order to prevent suffering from care, i.e. Prevent hindrance to the patient in her/his struggle against the 'suffering of illness' and the 'suffering of life'. The patients must be seen as the directors of their own dramas of suffering.
Note: Article Sundin K, Mid Sweden Univ, Dept Caring Sci, S-89189 Ornskoldsvik, SWEDEN
Keyword(s): caring; patient's care experience; narratives; suffering; patient care
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