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Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Existential psychotherapy with couples facing breast cancer: A twenty year report

Author(s): Gregoire, T.

Journal/Book: Contemp Fam Ther. 2000; 22: 233 Spring St, New York, NY 10013-1578, USA. Kluwer Academic-Human Sciences Press. 315-327.

Abstract: An existential approach to the treatment of couples facing breast cancer, as well as qualitative themes describing the central clinical concerns of the couples in treatment, is outlined and described. In addition, a descriptive clinical study that reviews the changes made by 27 couples facing breast cancer treated by the first author between 1978 and 1998 is also outlined and described. A non-parametric test was used to determine that changes in scores on two clinical measures were significant, suggesting the usefulness of the presented existential clinical approach.

Note: Article Lantz J, Midw Existential Psychotherapy Inst, 1947 Coll Rd, Columbus,OH 43210 USA

Keyword(s): cancer; existential psychotherapy; couples facing cancer; death; the will to meaning; empathic availability

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