Music for euro-maoists - On the correct handling of contradictions among pop stars |
Journal/Book: Theor Cult Soc. 2000; 17: 6 Bonhill Street, London EC2a 4Pu, England. Sage Publications Ltd. 136+.
Abstract: This article takes up the appearance in the club circuits of Europe of cultural matter derived fi om radical peasant insurgency in West Bengal. It asks why the political content of cultural performance is so often glossed as exotica, and writes back some of the history of transnational, or internationalist, politics into this forum. Linking this to the celebrated Booker Prizewinning text of Arundhati Roy, and Gayatri Spivak's translations of Mahasweta Devi's writing. The contradictions of cultural politics are foregrounded.
Note: Article Hutnyk J, Univ London Goldsmiths Coll, London SE14 6NW, ENGLAND
Keyword(s): Asian Dub Foundation; Communism; cultural politics; Maoism; Naxalite
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