Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

The role of perfectionism and depressive cognitions in understanding the hopelessness experienced by adolescent suicide attempters

Author(s): Spirito, A., Farnett, E.

Journal/Book: Child Psychiat Hum Develop. 2000; 31: 233 Spring St, New York, NY 10013-1578, USA. Kluwer Academic-Human Sciences Press. 99-111.

Abstract: This study examined the relation of two cognitive variables, depressive cognitions and perfectionism, to the hopelessness experienced by adolescent suicide attempters. Adolescent suicide attempters (N = 68) were administered three measures assessing cognitive characteristics commonly associated with adolescent suicidal behavior: the Child and Adolescent Perfectionism Scale (CAPS), the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire for Adolescents (DEQ-A), and the Hopelessness Scale for Children (RSC). Socially prescribed perfectionism on the CAPS and self-criticism on the DEQ-A were both highly correlated with RSC. Regression analyses indicated that perfectionism was significantly related to hopelessness, but this relationship was attenuated after the effects of depressive cognitions on hopelessness were controlled. Self-criticism was the cognitive variable most strongly associated with hopelessness suggesting that it is a more important focus for cognitive interventions in adolescent suicide attempters than perfectionism.

Note: Article Spirito A, Rhode Isl Hosp, 593 Eddy St, Providence,RI 02903 USA

Keyword(s): adolescent suicide attempters; perfectionism; hopelessness; depressive cognitions; IDEATION; FAMILY

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