Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Respecting, protecting, persons, humans, and conceptual muddles in the bioethics Convention

Journal/Book: J Med Phil. 2000; 25: P O Box 825, 2160 Sz Lisse, Netherlands. Swets Zeitlinger Publishers. 147-180.

Abstract: The Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine confuses respect for a person's right to self-determination with concern about protecting human beings generally. In a legal document, this mixture of deontological with utilitarian considerations undermines what it should preserve: respect for human dignity as the foundation of modern rights-based democracies. Falling prey to the ambiguity of freedom, the Convention blurs the dividing line between morality and the law. The document should be remedied through distinguishing fundamental rights from social 'rights', persons as entitled to the right to self-determination from born humans as entitled to the right to life and from members of the human species as entitled to the morally respo-nsible care of voting majorities. For the cultivating of the required responsibility, the conditions for an adequate public debate should be secured.

Note: Article Delkeskamp-Hayes C, Int Studies Philosophy & Med, European Programs, Buchbergstr 17, D-63579 Freigericht, GERMANY

Keyword(s): European convention; personhood; right to self-determination; dignity; freedom

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