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December 2024

Automating telephone surveys: Using T-ACASI to obtain data on sensitive topics

Author(s): Miller, H. G., Gribble, J. N., Turner, C. F.

Journal/Book: Comput Hum Behav. 2000; 16: the Boulevard Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford Ox5 1GB, England. Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd. 1-11.

Abstract: This paper describes a new interview data collection system that uses a personal computer equipped with a telephone interface card. This system, telephone audio computer-assisted self-interviewing (T-ACASI), offers the economy of telephone interviews while providing the privacy of self-administered questionnaires. We describe T-ACASI design considerations and operational characteristics. In addition, we present data from recent studies indicating that the T-ACASI system is stable, robust, and suitable for administering relatively long and complex questionnaires on sensitive topics, including drug use and sexual behaviors associated with HIV and other STDs.

Note: Article Cooley PC, Res Triangle Inst, POB 12194, Res Triangle Pk,NC 27709 USA

Keyword(s): T-ACASI; telephone interviews; surveys; sensitive topics

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