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Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Religiosity and agency and communion: Their relationship to religious judgmentalism

Author(s): Miller, C. D.

Journal/Book: J Psychol. 2000; 134: 1319 Eighteenth St NW, Washington, DC 20036-1802, USA. Heldref Publications. 315-324.

Abstract: The present study is an introduction to the construct of religious judgmentalism, defined as a willingness to make religious or moral judgments of others based on a limited period of observation; the study offers a prediction about which individuals will engage in such judgmental behavior. It was predicted that agency motives would significantly predict religious judgmentalism in a religious population but that communion motives and intrinsic religiosity would moderate this effect. Overall, the findings supported these predictions. Agency motives were positively correlated with religious judgmentalism. Intrinsic religiosity predicted a general unwillingness to make religious evaluations of others. Both intrinsic religiosity and communion motives did moderate the effects of high agency motives. Specifically, increases in communion motive and intrinsic religiosity, at high levels of agency motives, significantly predicted lower scores for religious judgmentalism. These findings were conceptualized as preliminary evidence for the position that interpersonal motives, rather than religiousness or religious motivation, predict social intolerance and criticism in religious individuals.

Note: Article Beck R, Abilene Christian Univ, Dept Psychol, ACU Box 28011, Abilene,TX 79699 USA

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