Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Biophysikalische, biochemische und immunmodulatorische Überlegungen zur Wirkungsweise verfremdeten Eigenbluts (Autologe Therapien)

Abstract: The big autohemotherapies using ozone and UV light for the alienation of the autologous blood [1] belong like other modifications, e.g. "small autohemotherapies", the irritation therapies, irritation response therapies irritation regulation therapies. The common features and differences with respect to mechanisms, processes and modes of actions of the mentioned therapies a summarized and explained also an the basis of our own experimental and clinical results in the following. The; results were acquired with the help of the big oxygn ozone therapies and especially of the UVB, and according to my opinion, they are also valid, at least partially, f the other therapies mentioned here.Important intermediate steps in the reactions cascades are highly activated oxygen species as well as aggregated human serum albumin (HSA, albumin polymers).Their role as regulatory drugs and immunomodulators is especially discussed.The well-known therapeutic methods of the oxygn multistep therapy according to Ardenne, the ozone autohemotherapy according to Wolff, the ultraviolet autohemoradiation (UVB) according to Wiesner but also the older method of the so-called hematogenous oxidation therapy (HOT) according to Wehrli are generally used in the struggle against oxygen deficiency conditions and diseases, especially in arterial obstructions [2-5].A therapeutic effect has been and is still produced in the case of viral and bacterial infections [6, 7].The virostatic effect of the UVB is verified by findings men and domestic animals. The few clinical observations which are available, exclusively in the final stage of AID indicate that HIV infections are no exception. It is only for a little while, that we know the modes of action of this therapy [6-12].

Keyword(s): Reiztherapien

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