Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Eine neue komplexe Heilkräuterkombination in derkomplementären KrebsbehandIung

Author(s): DeFilippo, J., Chen, S.

Abstract: Complementary cancer treatments with herbal remedies are often praised for their efficacy without producing side effects. Many patients and their treating physicians, however, face difficulties in judging various claims made by the manufacturers of such products, since sufficient information, including toxicology data and proof of efficacy, are often lacking. A Chinese herbal formulation, which currently is used by thousands of cancer patients in the United States for it's anti-cancer and analgesic properties, was therefore tested in the laboratory, as well as in cancer patients. It was found to inhibit cancer growth in SMMC 7721 hepatocarcinoma in-vitro, and in BEL7402 hepatoma in the nude mouse model In patients suffering from hepatoma or liver metastases after colon carcinoma, the preparation not only inhibited cancer growth in over one third of the patients, but also reduced cancer pain. The analgesic potency of the preparation was comparable to morphine, however, there were no side effects as known with narcotic drugs. It increased the cellular immunity against cancer by stimulating the natural killer cells of the immune system. Based on these findings, the chinese hebal formulation can be recommended as complementary measure in the treatment of cancer.

Keyword(s): Kräuterextrakte

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