Autistic learning disabilities and individualizing treatment for autistic spectrum disorders |
Journal/Book: Infant Young Children. 1999; 12: 7201 Mckinney Circle, Frederick, MD 21704, USA. Aspen Publ Inc. 27-36.
Abstract: Autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs) can be viewed as an autistic learning disability (ALD) syndrome consisting of difficulties in social understanding, communicative competence, and ability to relate to environment. Resulting autistic learning disability profiles (symptom profiles that specify deficits in learning style associated with autism) can be matched to features of early intervention approaches. Three examples-applied behavior analysis, TEAACH, and relationship therapy/''floor time''-are reviewed to illustrate which aspects of each approach complement individual learning style and developmental status.
Note: Article Siegel B, Univ Calif San Francisco, Pervas Dev Disorders Clin & Lab, San Francisco,CA 94143 USA
Keyword(s): autism; developmental psychopathology; early intervention; learning disabilities; DSM-IV; CHILDREN; BEHAVIOR
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