Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Understanding the life issues of spiritually-based clients

Author(s): Anderson, S. C.

Journal/Book: Fam Soc J Contemp Hum Serv. 1999; 80: 11700 West Lake Park Drive, Milwaukee, WI 53224, USA. Family Service Amer. 229-238.

Abstract: Understanding the meaning of life events from the perspective of a spiritually-based client is essential in social work practice. This article discusses several life events that are likely experienced by clients with spiritual worldviews. The meaning of childbirth and the perception of human nature provide insight into the family's socialization experience. In adolescence, sexuality and the potential for parental conflict emerge as issues that require a spiritually-sensitive approach. In adulthood, the spiritual reality has the most notable impact on an individual's attitudes, behaviors, and the decision-making process. Because spirituality operates similar to cultural realities, the authors' support the development of a knowledge base for working with clients who have a spiritual worldview.

Note: Article Pellebon DA, Univ Oklahoma, Sch Social Work, Norman,OK 73019 USA


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