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Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Religious conversion and personality change

Author(s): Richardson, J. T., Rambo, L. R.

Journal/Book: J Personality. 1999; 67: 350 Main Street, Ste 6, Malden, MA 02148, USA. Blackwell Publishers. 1047-1079.

Abstract: The question of whether religious conversion causes changes in someone's personality is examined in light of two bodies of literature-the research on personality change and the research on conversion. When the theory and research on personality change is applied to the question of whether conversion causes such change, the answer depends on what level of personality is of concern. Research on the relation between religious conversion and a variety of behavioral, attitudinal, emotional, and lifestyle variables is consistent with this conclusion. Although conversion seems to have minimal effect on elemental functions such as the Big Five traits or temperaments, it can result in profound, life transforming changes in mid-level functions such as goals, feelings, attitudes, and behaviors, and in the more self-defining personality functions such as identity and life meaning. This seems to be so whether the process of conversion is sudden or gradual, active or passive, and to a traditional Western or Eastern religion or to a new religious movement. However, most of the research is retrospective and cross-sectional, and no systematic program of research has ever been sustained. Suggestions for the form of future research are made, and a model for integrating the many factors that must be taken into account and for guiding future research is sketched.

Note: Review Paloutzian RF, Westmont Coll, Dept Psychol, Santa Barbara,CA 93108 USA


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