Would you drink after a stranger? The influence of self-presentational motives on willingness to take a health risk |
Journal/Book: Pers Soc Psychol Bull. 1999; 25: 2455 Teller Rd, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, USA. Sage Publications Inc. 1092-1100.
Abstract: This experiment examined the influence of self-presentational motives on, a potentially unhealthy behavior-drinking from a stranger's water bottle. In a 2 x 2 factorial design, participants' (N = 48) social image-concern (low/high) was manipulated, and half of the participants also received a verbal challenge to drink from the bottle (challenged/not challenged). Participants in the high image-concern condition drank significantly mom water (M = 50.8 ml) from the stranger's bottle than did participants in the low image-concern condition (M = 30.1 ml), p < .05. Also, participants who were challenged drank more (M = 53.7 ml) than those who were not challenged (M = 27.2 ml), p < .05. Discussion focuses on the utility of a self-presentational approach for understanding health risk behavior.
Note: Article Martin KA, McMaster Univ, Dept Kinesiol, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, CANADA
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