A hypertext-based tutorial with links to the Web for teaching statistics and research methods |
Journal/Book: Behav Res Method Instrum Comp. 1999; 31: 1710 Fortview Rd, Austin, TX 78704, USA. Psychonomic Soc Inc. 7-13.
Abstract: An online tutorial for research design and statistics is described. This tutorial provides a way for students to learn how scales of measure, research design, statistics, and. Graphing data are related. The tutorial also helps students determine what statistical analysis is appropriate for a given design and how the results of the analysis should be plotted in order to effectively communicate the results of a study. Initial research suggests that students using the tutorial are more accurate in their decisions about the design and statistics associated with a study. Students are also more confident in the decisions and find them easier to make when using the tutorial. Furthermore, practice with the tutorial appears to improve problem-solving ability in subsequent design and statistics scenarios. Implications for teaching statistics and research design are discussed.
Note: Article Koch C, George Fox Univ, Dept Psychol, 414 N Meridian St, Newberg,OR 97132 USA
Keyword(s): COURSES
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