Assessing self-concept in children: Variations across self-concept domains |
, ,Journal/Book: Merrill Palmer Quart J Devel. 1999; 45: 4809 Woodward Ave, Detroit, MI 48201-1309, USA. Wayne State Univ Press. 602-623.
Abstract: Multidimensional models of self, emphasizing variations in self-perceptions across areas of one's life, have led to new, domain-specific self report measures. Two of the most widely used multidimensional self-concept questionnaires were compared in Study 1 in a sample of 217 preadolescents. The two measures were highly correlated and comparable in reliability, stability, subscale interrelations, and associations with others' evaluations. In Study 2 a wider variety of self assessments (interviews, questionnaires, self-ratings) across domains were compared in a sample of 161 preadolescents. Results indicated that the correspondence among different self-assessment approaches as well as between self and others' perceptions varied as a function of the domain tapped. The observed domain variation may relate to the type of information children use to evaluate their competencies across domains.
Note: Article Hymel S, Univ British Columbia, Fac Educ, Dept Educ & Counseling Psychol & Special Educ, 2125 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, CANADA
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