Professional interventions that facilitate 12-step self-help group involvement |
Journal/Book: Alcohol Res Health. 1999; 23: 6000 Executive Blvd, Rockville, MD 20892-7003, USA. Natl Inst Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism. 93-98.
Abstract: Facilitating patients' involvement with 12-step self-help organizations, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), is often a goal of substance abuse treatment. Twelve-step-facilitation (TSF) interventions have been found to be move effective than comparison treatments in increasing patients' 12-step group involvement and in promoting abstinence. Future TSF evaluation research should address the effectiveness of incorporating TSF interventions with cognitive-behavioral treatment methods, the relative impact of brief versus extended TSF interventions, and the cost-effectiveness and health care cost-offset of TSF interventions within managed health cave systems.
Note: Article Humphreys K, Vet Affairs Palo Alto Hlth Care Syst, Ctr Hlth Care Evaluat, Palo Alto,CA USA
Keyword(s): twelve step program; intervention; treatment outcome; cognitive therapy; behavior therapy; cost effectiveness; managed care; AODD (alcohol and other drug dependence) recovery; treatment program; evaluation; motivational interviewing; AOD (alcohol and other drug) abstinence; comparative study; literature review
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