Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Fear and avoidance behavior in psychoanalytic research - a neurobiological approach

Author(s): Freyberger, H. J.

Journal/Book: Z Psychosom Med Psychoanal. 1999; 45: Theaterstrasse 13, Postfach 77, W-37070 Gottingen, Germany. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 39-42.

Abstract: Though the use of elaborated and standardized behavioral therapy strategies has been successful in treatment evaluation and in areas of neurobiological research, numerous psychoanalytically orientated therapists will exhibit Fear and avoidance behavior while facing terms like''standardization'',''treatment evaluation studies'' and''neurobiology''. In our comment, we aim to initiate a successful therapeutic process by intensified reality testing and repeated exposure therapy.

Note: Article Grabe HJ, Univ Greifswald, Klinikum Hansestadt Stralsund, Klin & Poliklin Psychiat & Psychotherapie, D-18437 Stralsund, GERMANY

Keyword(s): obsessive-compulsive disorder; psychoanalysis; neurobiology

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