Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Factors influencing the precision of doubling and halving of tempo (Contribution to psychology of music)

Author(s): Mates, J.

Journal/Book: Cesk Psychol. 1999; 43: Publ House Czech Acad Sci Vodickova 40, Prague 1, Czech Republic 112 29. Academia. 323-337.

Abstract: In the two experiments the ability of amateur musicians to execute change of a tempo of their finger tapping in temporal ratios 2:1 (doubling) or 1:2 (halving) under base tempi with duration of beat interval ranging from 400 to 1500 msec was studied. The results showed that doubling and halving of a tempo was not performed exactly. The accuracy of doubling/halving of a tempo was affected mostly by the speed of the base tempo. Two distinctive tendencies were found. In fast tempi the difference from expected values corresponding to 2:1 (1:2) ratio decreased with the increase of a rate of the tempo, while in slower tempi the trend was the opposite. The task was performed most precisely in intermediate tempi with beat intervals 500 and 600 msec. The occurrence of two distinctive tendencies and the transient point between them refer to the well-know perceptual phenomenon of indifference interval (Horing, 1864; Vierordt, 1868).

Note: Article Franek M, Ustav Pro Hudebni Vedu AV CR, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC

Keyword(s): tempo; timing; time perception; musical performance; NONMUSICIANS; PATTERNS

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