Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

On varieties of dissociation: An essay review of broken images, broken selves: Dissociative narratives in clinical practice

Journal/Book: J Amer Soc Psychical Res. 1999; 93: 5 West 73Rd Street, New York, NY 10023, USA. Amer Soc Psychical Res Inc. 116-140.

Abstract: Because dissociation and related phenomena are highly relevant to the psychical phenomena and the exceptional human experiences (EHEs) that are of interest to readers of this Journal, the author reviews a new book on dissociation in more detail than is usual, comments on the strengths and limitations of the presented findings and thoughts, and includes suggestions on how dissociation-related concepts, findings, and approaches could be adapted for use in psychical and EHE research and investigations. Emphasis is upon the great variety of forms dissociation may take (within and across individuals, and within and across cultures); the maladaptive and adaptive aspects of dissociation; possible concomitants, facilitators, and impediments of dissociation; and how decreasing identifications (dissociations) from certain modes of knowing, being, and doing, and increasing identification with alternative modes may provide entry points for new exceptional and psychic experiences that are not possible within the earlier system of identifications or frame of reference.

Note: Review Braud WG, Inst Transpersonal Psychol, William James Ctr Consciousness Studies, 744 San Antonio Rd, Palo Alto,CA 94303 USA

Keyword(s): METAPHORS; PSI

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