Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Objects of attention, objects of perception

Journal/Book: Percept Psychophys. 1999; 61: 1710 Fortview Rd, Austin, TX 78704, USA. Psychonomic Soc Inc. 1604-1612.

Abstract: Four experiments were conducted, to explore the notion of objects in perception. Taking as a starting point the effects of display content on rapid attention transfer and manipulating curvature, closure, and processing time, a link between objects of attention and objects of perception is proposed. In Experiment 1, a number of parallel, equally spaced, straight lines facilitated attention transfer along the lines, relative to transfer across the lines. In Experiment 2, with curved, closed-contour shapes, no ''same-object'' facilitation was observed. However, when a longer time interval was provided, in Experiment 3, a same-object advantage started to emerge. In Experiment 4, using the same curved shapes but in a non-speeded distance estimation task, a strong effect of objects was observed. It is argued that attention transfer is facilitated by line tracing but that line tracing is encouraged by objects.

Note: Article Avrahami N, Hebrew Univ Jerusalem, Goldie Rotman Ctr Cognit Sci & Educ, Jerusalem, ISRAEL


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