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Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Medicaid estate planning: Practices and perceptions of Medicaid workers, elder law attorneys, and certified financial planners

Author(s): Gruman, C., Robison, J.

Journal/Book: Gerontologist. 1998; 38: 1275 K Street NW, Suite 350, Washington, DC 20005-4006. Gerontological Society Amer. 405-411.

Abstract: This study examined Medicaid estate planning (MEP) through the experiences and perceptions of three groups in Connecticut: Medicaid eligibility workers (n = 128), elder law attorneys (n = 41), and certified financial planners (n = 29). Respondent groups varied significantly with regard to their perceptions of prevalence and magnitude of MEP, the nature of transferred assets, mechanisms for transfers, and characteristics of the ''typical'' client participating in asset divestiture for the purpose of qualifying for Medicaid. This substantial lack of concordance among those professionals most closely involved with MEP poses challenges for policy and research in this area.

Note: Article Walker L, Hartford Hosp, Inst Living, Braceland Ctr Mental Hlth & Aging, 400 Washington St, Hartford,CT 06106 USA

Keyword(s): asset transfer; long-term care financing

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