Citation analysis in journal rankings: medical informatics in the library and information science literature |
Journal/Book: Bull Med Libr Assn. 1998; 86: 65 East Wacker Place, Ste 1900, Chicago, IL 60601-7298. Medical Library Assoc. 518-522.
Abstract: Medical informatics is an interdisciplinary field. Medical informatics articles will be found in the literature of various disciplines including library and information science publications. The purpose of this study was to provide an objectively ranked list of journals that publish medical informatics articles relevant to library and information science. Library Literature, Library and Information Science Abstracts, and Social Science Citation Index were used to identify articles published on the topic of medical informatics and to identify a ranked list of journals. This study also used citation analysis to identify the most frequently cited journals relevant to library and information science.
Note: Article Vishwanatham R, Univ Illinois, Lib Hlth Sci, 1750 W Polk St M-C 763, Chicago,IL 60612 USA
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