Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Creating the future of applied psychophysiology and biofeedback: From fantasy to reality

Journal/Book: Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedbac. 1998; 23: 233 Spring St, New York, NY 10013. Plenum Publ Corp. 93-106.

Abstract: AAPB and its membership al-e faced with a number of giant challenges, including but not limited to: (1) the cost savings efforts of third-party payors and managed care organizations; (2) the lack of public awareness of biofeedback and its usefulness; and (3) the lack of sufficient reseal ch data on both the effectiveness and efficacy of biofeedback, In spite of these challenges, there are windows of opportunity that have been or which could be created to move biofeedback further into the realm of conventional treatment. We must focus our efforts on working together to: (1) create strategic plans for creating the future of applied psychophysiology and biofeedback; (2) educate all decision makers, including the general public; (3) establish better relationships with other professionals with common interests; (4) conduct more efficacy and effectiveness research; and (5) create a demand for our services so that the public will be more willing to pay for our services ''out of their own pocket.'' In order for this to happen, we must stop fighting with each other and direct our energies to productive activities that can change fantasies into realities.

Note: Article Striefel SS, Utah State Univ, Ctr Persons Disabilities, 6800 Old Main Hill, Logan,UT 84322 USA

Keyword(s): applied psychophysiology; managed care; biofeedback; clinical and cost effectiveness; efficacy

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