Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Strategic solution focused therapy: Doing what works in crisis intervention

Journal/Book: Crisis Interv Time Ltd Treat. 1998; 4: C/O Stbs Ltd, PO Box 90, Reading, Berks, England Rg1 8Jl. Harwood Acad Publ Gmbh. 197-214.

Abstract: Strategic solution focused therapy combines the principles and techniques of strategic therapy and solution focused therapy. In this approach, the therapist clarifies problems, elaborates solutions, identifies and evaluates attempted solutions, and designs interventions that include validation, compliment, and suggestion components. This article asserts that the same principles and procedures that work in brief therapy and intermittent care are applicable in crisis situations. ''Doing what works and changing what does not'' is both the goal for the client and me task for the therapist. Case examples illustrate how the approach has been used with clients who have defined their situations as crises.

Note: Article Quick EK, Kaiser Permanente, 3420 Kenyon St, San Diego,CA 92110 USA

Keyword(s): strategic therapy; solution-focused therapy; strategic solution focused therapy; crisis intervention; brief therapy

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