Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Communication and the socialization of dance students: An analysis of the hidden curriculum in a residential arts school

Journal/Book: Commun Educ. 1998; 47: 5105 Backlick Rd, Annandale, VA 22003. Speech Communication Assn. 101-119.

Abstract: This study examines the socialization process of newcomers to a residential high school for performing arts. The author used naturalistic observation and student interviews to examine the role of communication in reducing adolescents' cognitive, normative, and affective uncertainty during the entry phase of socialization Communication appeared Particularly useful in reducing affective uncertainty, providing students with reassurance and support. The hidden curriculum of the school was also analyzed by examining the communication of faculty, administrators, and students. Four aspects of the hidden curriculum were identified and discussed: (1) control vs. Freedom, (2) inclusion vs. Exclusion, (3) teacher voice vs. Student voice, and (4) collectivism vs. Individualism.

Note: Article OseroffVarnell D, Wake Forest Univ, Winston Salem,NC 27109 USA

Keyword(s): communication; socialization; hidden curriculum; adolescents

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