Women in recovery from drug misuse: An exploratory study of their social networks and social support |
,Journal/Book: Subst Use Misuse. 1998; 33: 270 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10016. Marcel Dekker Inc. 1721-1734.
Abstract: This cross-sectional research examined the effects of ethnicity, age, and primary drug (alcohol or otherdrug) on recovering women's social network size and social support. Study participants included 21 African-American, 39 Anglo-American, and 3 Mexican-American women in continuous recovery for a minimum of 6 months. Study findings demonstrated statistically significant increases in social network size and in the amount of social support received from pretreatment to posttreatment recovery periods. Ethnicity, age, and primary drug had little effect on social network size and amount of social support received.
Note: Article ODell KJ, Univ Texas, Dept Hlth Promot & Gerontol, Sch Allied Hlth Sci, Med Branch, 301 Univ Blvd, Galveston,TX 77555 USA
Keyword(s): substance misuse; recovery; women; social networks; social support; ABUSE
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