Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Development of ASL and English competence for learners who are deaf

Author(s): Christensen, K. M., Cheng, L. R. L.

Journal/Book: Top Lang Disord. 1998; 18: 7201 Mckinney Circle, Frederick, MD 21704. Aspen Publ Inc. 61-72.

Abstract: This article presents an effective framework for bilingual multicultural education of learners who are deaf with regard to the appropriate functions of pathology and pedagogy. The authors suggest that there may be a need for a new profession called sign pathology for those deaf children who experience difficulty in acquiring a signed language. This sign pathology field would be separate and distinct from general education of children who are deaf. This article describes a framework for the development of professional sign language pathologists, while differentiating between disorders related to signed language acquisition and bilingual language pedagogy for learners who are deaf.

Note: Article Nover SM, New Mexico Sch Deaf, Santa Fe,NM 00000 USA

Keyword(s): American Sign Language; bilingual; communication competence; communication disorders; deaf and hard-of-hearing; English as a second language; linguistics; multicultural; pathology

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