Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

The effects of age and experience on memory for visually presented music

Author(s): Salthouse, T. A.

Journal/Book: J Gerontol Ser B Psychol Sci. 1998; 53: 1275 K Street NW, Suite 350, Washington, DC 20005-4006. Gerontological Society Amer. P60-P69.

Abstract: Increased age is often associated with lower levels of performance in tests of memory for spatial information. The primary question in the current study was whether this relationship could he moderated as a function of one's relevant experience and/or knowledge. Stimulus materials consisted of short (7-11 note), visually presented musical melodies and structurally equivalent nonmusical stimuli. Participants (N = 128) were recruited from a wide range of age and experience levels. Although there were strong main effects of age and experience on memory for music, sere was no evidence that the age-related differences in memory for these stimuli were smaller for individuals with moderate to large amounts of experience with music.

Note: Article Meinz EJ, Georgia Inst Technol, Sch Psychol, Atlanta,GA 30332 USA


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