Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Promoting cancer prevention and screening: The impact of the Cancer Information Service. Part 7

Author(s): Davis, S. W., TerMaat, J., Rivera, N.

Journal/Book: J Health Commun. 1998; 3: 1900 Frost Road, Suite 101, Bristol, PA 19007-1598. Taylor & Francis. 97-108.

Abstract: Cancer Information Service (CIS) inquiries about cancer prevention and screening are an important opportunity to educate callers about primary or secondary cancer prevention, facilitate their decision-making, and, where appropriate, encourage action. An evaluation was conducted to assess whether these callers' information needs are being satisfied and to determine if the information provided facilitates decisionmaking and subsequent risk reduction actions. A random sample of 2,489 callers was surveyed during a 5-week period, 3 to 6 weeks after their initial call to CIS; prevention or screening was stated as the main reason for calling by 331 respondents. A series of questions was asked regarding level of satisfaction with CIS's performance and how helpful the information provided was in terms of feeling more knowledgeable, making decisions, and taking action. The vast majority of respondents were satisfied with the information received, found it to be helpful, felt more knowledgeable as a result, and would call CIS again with subsequent questions. Although demand characteristics are a possible soul ce of bias, nearly three-quarters of the respondents reported subsequently disc:ussing the information provided with someone else, and almost half sought additional information recommended by CIS. Nearly two-thirds of primary prevention respondents and about half of secondary prevention respondents indicated that they had taken some risk-reducing action subsequent to their interaction with CIS. The CIS is effectively satisfying the information needs of prevention and screening callers; information it is providing is effectively facilitating decisionmaking and stimulating callers to take action.

Note: Article Maibach EW, Porter Novelli, 1120 Connecticut Ave, Washington,DC 20036 USA


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