Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Critical review of psycho-oncological interventions

Journal/Book: Psychother Psychosom Med Psyc. 1998; 48: P O Box 30 11 20, D-70451 Stuttgart, Germany. Georg Thieme Verlag. 381-389.

Abstract: Following information on diagnosis, therapy and prognosis, supportive psyche-oncological interventions may be performed. General targets of psychological intervention are to help coping with disease problems and family-related problems and to reduce symptoms related to disease and therapy such as pain, anticipatory nausea and vomiting, stress, anxiety, depression and feeling of helplessness, A number of different kinds of controlled interventions may contribute significantly to both psychological and physical health outcomes in cancer patients. This review confirms the efficacy of education, individual psychotherapy, group interventions and behavioural training in reducing disease- related and therapy-related symptoms, depression and anxiety, thus improving psychological functioning and the quality of life. The multidimensional evaluation of psychooncological interventions including immunological parameters, the question of differential indication of psychological interventions in cancer patients' and the influence of psychological predictors on the course of different cancer diseases and survival rates are significant aspects that merit further research.

Note: Article Larbig W, Univ Tubingen, Inst Med Psychol & Verhaltensneurobiol, Gartenstr 29, D-72076 Tubingen, GERMANY

Keyword(s): controlled psychotherapeutic studies; tumour pain; anticipatory side effects; quality of life; survival time; CONTROLLED CLINICAL-TRIAL; METASTATIC BREAST-CANCER; RANDOMIZED TRIAL; GUIDED IMAGERY; CHEMOTHERAPY; RELAXATION; THERAPY; PAIN; REDUCTION; HYPNOSIS

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