Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Logic and the foundations of statistical inference

Journal/Book: Behav Brain Sci. 1998; 21: 40 West 20TH Street, New York, NY 10011-4211. Cambridge Univ Press. 208.

Abstract: The rapprochement between methodology and statistics suggested by Chow's book is a much needed one. His examples suggest that the situation is even worse in psychology than in some other disciplines. It is suggested that both historical accuracy and attention to recent work on the foundations of statistics would be beneficial in achieving the goals that Chow seeks.

Note: Editorial Kyburg HE, Univ Rochester, Dept Comp Sci, Rochester,NY 14627 USA

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