Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

(You gotta have) faith

Journal/Book: Aust N Z J Psychiat. 1998; 32: 54 University St, P O Box 378, Carlton Victoria 3053, Australia. Blackwell Science. 546-550.

Abstract: Objective: The modern scientific tendency to disavow the relevance of faith is questioned, particularly in relation to psychiatric practice. An experience-near approach to psychiatric practice, inclusive of human values such as faith, is highlighted. Method: Drawing upon the philosophical work of Jaspers and the developmental psychology of Stern, a model is built up of the flow of lived experience that relies to a large extent on what can be 'taken on faith' rather than 'known about'. An argument is presented that from this standpoint of 'lived reality', the separation of fact and value inherent in modern scientific thought is not valid. Conclusions: It is found that lived experience is infused with faith in three senses: that of faith-in-oneself, that of faith-in-the-other; and that of transcendent faith. Each of these is shown to be relevant to praxis in psychiatry. Failure to include faith in psychiatric thinking may lead to a distancing of the discipline from the level of everyday experience.

Note: Article Korner A, Univ Sydney, Dept Psychol Med, Nepean Hosp, Pialla Unit, POB 63, Penrith, NSW, AUSTRALIA

Keyword(s): fact; faith; lived reality; transcendence; value

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